utorok 8. októbra 2019

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) + Google Drive mount


There was a need to access files mounted to Windows 10 machine via Google Drive File Stream (GDFS, as G: drive) from WSL, to be able to work with them on the same machine with Linux tools like vim, bash, etc., not to be dependent on separate Linux machine, nor inefficiently installing those tools in Windows (some could work, some not without problems or at all), nor copy them after modifications from local to GDFS locations other way (manually).


Solution consists of:
  • Windows 10 OS
  • drive G: mounted by Google Drive File Stream
  • OpenSSH server for Windows (running as Windows 10 service)
  • SFTP Net Drive
  • Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
Tools used during implementation:
  • Windows PowerShell
  • WSL Bash

Hacks honorable to be mentioned


  1. install Ubuntu 18.04 LTS based WSL in Windows
  2. install Google Drive File Stream and connect to the service (mount as e.g. G:)
  3. install OpenSSH Server for Windows - optional feature (Settings > Apps > Manage optional features > Add a feature > OpenSSH Server > Install
  4. via Services management enable, set to start automatically & start OpenSSH Authentication Client and then via administrative PowerShell:
    • Start-Service ssh-agent
    • Start-Service sshd
    • Install-Module -Force OpenSSHUtils
  5. comment AuthorizedKeysFile in C:\ProgramData\ssh\sshd_config
  6. non-administrative PowerShell:
  7. (troubleshoot if needed) and restart OpenSSH Server
  8. download SFTP Net Drive and install it (+ register to start on OS startup), connect with authorized username to localhost (mount as e.g. N:), there are these alternatives:

  9. set installed program to start automatically after log-on (click on program in start menu, open file location, Windows+R: shell:startup, create shortcut of the program there)
  10. make directory symlink (if using SFTP Net Drive Free) or directory junction (if using SFTP Net Drive V2 or Full) on Windows from mounted user profile to G: - now G: can be accessed also from WSL as /mnt/n, but after mount in WSL:
  11. from cmd.exe: ubuntu
  12. mount N: from WSL: sudo mkdir /mnt/n; sudo mount -t drvfs N: /mnt/n

Further hacks

There were problems with perpetually changing inodes of files trying to write modifications by vim, therefore this workaround is currently in place:

cat ~/.vimrc

set nobackup
set backupcopy=yes
set noswapfile
set noundofile
set nowritebackup

Automatic mount of N: in WSL with owner's privileges:

tail -n 10 ~/.profile

if [ ! -d "/mnt/n/" ]; then
        sudo mkdir /mnt/n

sudo mount -t drvfs -o uid=1001,gid=1001 N: /mnt/n

# mount some folder
if [ ! -d "SYMLINKED_FOLDER_NAME" ]; then
        ln -s /mnt/n/GDrive/... SYMLINKED_FOLDER_NAME

Requires user to be in admin or sudo group in /etc/group and this settings in /etc/sudoers (via visudo in WSL) - not very secure setup, but WSL is not "mission critical server" :) :

sudo cat /etc/sudoers

# Members of the admin group may gain root privileges

# Allow members of group sudo to execute any command


The purpose of this article is me to be able re-run these steps on another computers or user profiles and can be continually improved in the future, to be more exact.

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