- old ZABBIX server 2.4(.8) + PostgreSQL DB (alternatively MySQL/MariaDB)
- RHEL/CentOS 7 VM(s) for new ZABBIX server+DB+frontend
- review TimescaleDB licensing
Installations on RHEL/CentOS 7
- PostgreSQL/TimescaleDB 1.4
- DB creation (just for new ZBX installation and its verification, but won't be used for migration):
- sudo -u postgres psql
- CREATE ROLE zabbix_server_db_login LOGIN PASSWORD '***********';
- CREATE DATABASE zabbix_server_db OWNER zabbix_server_db_login;
- \q
- PHP 7.3
- ZABBIX server+frontend 4.2 - leave the server shut down before next steps
Download & unpack ZABBIX 2.4.8 DB original schema to new DB server - deployment preparation
tar xvzf zabbix-2.4.8.tar.gz
cd zabbix-2.4.8/database/postgresql/
Export ZABBIX 2.4.8 instance DB data (without schema)
pg_dump -h old-ZBX-address -d old-ZBX-DB-name -U old-ZBX-DB-read-permitted-user-name --no-owner --no-privileges --data-only --exclude-schema repeatedly-custom-not-migrating-schemas -T repeatedly-custom-not-migrating-tables -T acknowledges -T alerts -T auditlog -T events -T service_alarms -T 'history*' -T 'trends*' > zabbix_server_db_DML.sql
In case of migration from non-PostgreSQL DB (e.g. MySQL/MariaDB), PostgreSQL-compatible dump needs to be created in this step (e.g. via mysqldump -c -e -t --compatible=postgresql --no-create-info --skip-quote-names --skip-add-locks zabbix > zabbix.dmp) - not tested when writing this article.
Deploy ZABBIX 2.4.8 instance DB data (with original schema) to new PostgreSQL server
Re-create DB for import:
sudo -u postgres psql -c "DROP DATABASE zabbix_server_db_imported;" -c "CREATE DATABASE zabbix_server_db_imported OWNER zabbix_server_db_login;"
Import original schema and instance data:
Check & disable hosts
psql -d zabbix_server_db_imported -U zabbix_server_db_login
zabbix_server_db_imported=> SELECT status, COUNT(status) FROM hosts GROUP BY status ORDER BY status;
status | count |
| count of enabled ZBX hosts |
| count of disabled ZBX hosts |
| count of all ZBX templates |
| count of all ZBX proxies |
The same count as displayed for status=0 has to be updated in following step:
zabbix_server_db_imported=> UPDATE hosts SET status=1 WHERE status=0;
zabbix_server_db_imported=> \q
Start ZBX server (upgrade) & check log
tail -f /var/log/zabbix/zabbix_server.log
sudo service zabbix-server start
Check log for possible errors, warnings, exceptions and fix what needed. After a while, old ZBX DB should be upgraded according to new ZBX DB schema.
Install TimescaleDB into new ZBX DB
sudo -u postgres psql zabbix_server_db_imported
zabbix_server_db_imported=# CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS timescaledb CASCADE;
zabbix_server_db_imported=# \q
zcat /usr/share/doc/zabbix-server-pgsql*/timescaledb.sql.gz | psql zabbix_server_db_imported -U zabbix_server_db_login
For more details about TimescaleDB ZABBIX-supported deployment, read this.
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