streda 24. júla 2019

How to share mRemoteNG connections on more Windows computers via Google Drive

The situation

Using mRemoteNG on several Windows computers and not wanting making the same configurations of connections on each of them.

The setup

  • Windows 10 (Home, Pro, ...)
  • Google Drive (GDrive) synchronized via Drive File Stream

The procedure

  1. Move your %APPDATA%\mRemoteNG somewhere on your GDrive.
  2. Open command-line terminal (cmd.exe) as Administrator.
  3. Make symbolic directory link from original location of moved folder, e.g.:
C:\WINDOWS\system32>mklink /D "%APPDATA%\mRemoteNG" "G:\My Drive\***\***\AppData\Roaming\mRemoteNG"
symbolic link created for C:\Users\******\AppData\Roaming\mRemoteNG <<===>> G:\My Drive\***\***\AppData\Roaming\mRemoteNG

(Directory junction won't work instead of symbolic directory link, because it is working only in the scope of local NTFS drives.)

Repeat those steps on each Windows computer. Maybe (depending on your specific situation) you will need to do some merge of mRemoteNG connection configuration files.

How to find current external IP address from command line


pondelok 15. júla 2019

ZABBIX version 4.2 user & admin training

These days I am in the process of preparation of 2-day ZABBIX training with this partitioning:
  • day 1, part 1: ZABBIX v4.2 basic concepts & web frontend usage
  • day 1, part 2: ZABBIX v4.2 basic administration
  • day 2, part 1: ZABBIX v4.2 intermediate administration
  • day 2, part 2: ZABBIX v4.2 advanced administration
For slides for the training click here.

nedeľa 7. júla 2019

Blogger/Blogspot vs. Google Docs/Slides

I was trying to use this service for publishing technical articles, but there were various formatting problems (e.g. headers' sizes mismatch). Therefore I started to author content primarily via Google Docs (or Slides, Spreadsheets, etc.) as publicly shared online documents, and link them from this service.

Complete collection of existing and future articles should be found here.

piatok 5. júla 2019

ZABBIX + TimescaleDB (PostgreSQL 11) installation from Docker images

New article about installing and running ZABBIX using Docker containers published here.

If you don't want to read through whole genesis, final YAML file for docker compose can be downloaded from here.